How Owain Gwynedd United the Princes of Wales and Is Considered the First True Tywysog Cymru

How Owain Gwynedd United the Princes of Wales and Is Considered the First True Tywysog Cymru

Owain Gwynedd (1100-1170) reigned as King of Gwynedd from 1137 until his death in 1170, after succeeding King Gruffudd ap Cynan.

Two notable aspects of Owain are that he was posthumously recognised as Owain “Fawr” (Owain “The Great”) and that he is considered the first ever true “Tywysog Cymru” (Prince of Wales).

Owain was never expected to rule as King of Gwynedd, as he did have an older brother in Cadwallon – but he perished in battle in the year 1132. After all, this was a tumultuous time – when Norman rulers had turned their swords towards Cymru following the death of William the Conqueror, who had little interest in doing so.

Owain became a leader of men even prior to becoming King, as he led his father’s troops into battle once Gruffudd had grown too old (and blind) to lead them himself.

As early as 1136, one year before his reign, he had already achieved numerous victories over the Normans, including the Battle of Crug Mawr in 1136. Ceredigion, too, was annexed into the Kingdom of Gwynedd via his battle acumen.

Owain initially only inherited part of the Gogledd Cymru (North Wales) Kingdom in 1137. However, the man who received the other part, his brother Cadwaladr, would later be indicted for the murder of the Welsh Prince of Deheubarth and become exiled.

The Anarchy between 1138 and 1153 allowed Owain to push the Kingdom’s borders further east, leading to the subjugation of Powys in 1150. However, Powys’ Prince, Madog, aligned with King Henry II of England in 1154 and Owain’s exiled brother, Cadwaladr. The Battle of Ewloe would ensue between the forces of Henry and Owain, with Henry being victorious and leading to the surrender of the easterly territorial captures of Owain. However, Henry was almost captured in the battle – this would have significantly altered history!

Owain regained Powys upon Madog’s death in 1160 and aligned with Deheubarth to challenge Henry II once more, who had angered the entirety of the Welsh population drawing the previous war, in which Henry’s men destroyed numerous churches. All of the Welsh aligned behind Owain this time – the arguable first true war between Cymru and Lloegr (England). The terrible weather conditions (poor weather in Wales?) assisted Owain in the war, though Henry captured and mutilated two of Owain’s sons.

Owain wrote to Louis VII of France often, and it was during these letters where he referred to himself as the “King of Wales” before adopting the title “Prince of Wales”.

Owain offered to make Cymru a vassal of the French, too, which would have surely been interesting! However, he was likely offering such promises to entice Louis into battle against Henry. Henry would never invade Gwynedd again, though, and Gwynedd would once more welcome Rhuddlan and Powys into the Kingdom’s borders.

Owain also had a dispute with the famed Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, over the selection for the vacant position of Bishop of Bangor. Owain eventually won the dispute.

Owain Gwynedd remains my personal favourite of all of the Welsh Kings. A unifier whose place in history should be better regarded.

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